The “Solo Leveling” anime, also known as “Ore dake Level Up na Ken” is one of the most anticipated anime of this year. It already has a hype train rolling due to some well animated fight scenes, well directed Opening & Ending and the overall quality.
First Impressions on Solo Leveling
Now, what I found interesting about it is how it carries the MC as well as the audience along with the narrative: giving us information about the world, how things work, different guilds, classes, and agendas. We are leveling up as well along with the MC. The pacing is just right if I might add. The anime doesn’t try to jam your face into that “yeah, it’s really hype and insane”. It’s subtle, doesn’t try to fall into the cringe, and doesn’t waste any moment. For me, it took a while to get to the hype part of the anime, but it’s better that way since it builds up from low to high. It’s not mind blowing or overhyped with the plot or fights, maybe we haven’t gotten to that part yet, but it manages to intrigue the audience.
Solo Leveling Review
The Solo Leveling anime is being produced by A-1 Pictures in Japan, so it has Japanese localized names. But the interesting part is the Japanese voice over is recorded twice, one with the Japanese names and other with the Korean names. But the dumb part is that they are aired in 2 separate platforms: Amazon & Crunchyroll respectively. So that’s a minus point in the review. Try looking for a fan release that added both audio track if you want to check out both or missing out on the one you want to experience. As for production, with Shunsuke Nakashige (known for Sword Art Online and Re: Zero) at helm, Noboru Kimura writing the scripts, Tomoko Sudo designing the characters, and Hiroyuki Sawano composing the music, it’s pretty solid. The animation, fight scenes, music timing, Opening & Ending, and voice acting is pretty good. Some people were going on about the animation being average from the trailer, but I’d say it’s up the standard. All in all, the anime is an 8 out of 10.
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