Nitro Pro Enterprise v13.38.0.739 64 Bit

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Nitro Pro 13 adalah sebuah software pembantu pengelola file pdf yang lemgkap, sangat bagus dan lengkap , sobat bisa menggunakannya untuk mengubah berbagai jenis file seperti file word, excel, power point, HTML, Gif, JPEG, PNG, dan lain-lain menjadi file pdf dan tentu saja bisa digunakan juga sebagai aplikasi pembaca file pdf.


  • Create PDFs and Combine Files
  • Create PDFs from virtually any document, image, or file type
  • Drag and drop to create and combine PDFs
  • Insert, delete, and organize pages in a PDF
  • Combine multiple files and file types into one PDF
  • Deep integration with Office 365, SharePoint 365, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive
  • Copy and paste selected parts of a PDF file with formatting intact
  • Batch-create PDF files

Instructions (Bahasa Indonesia) :-

  1. Instal program dan nonaktifkan keamanan antivirus sementara.
  2. Jangan menjalankan aplikasi dulu dan tutup dari system tray atau task manager jika sedang berjalan.
  3. Ekstrak “Patch .rar” ke folder tempat kalian menginstal program.
  4. Jalankan File Patch sebagai admin dan terapkan. (Kalian mungkin perlu mencari file .exe langkah no. 3 untuk file patch)
  5. Selesai

Instructions (EN) :-

  1. Install the program and temporarily disable antivirus security.
  2. Don’t run the application just yet and close it from the system tray or task manager if it is running.
  3. Extract “Patch.rar” to the folder where you installed the program.
  4. Run the Patch File as admin and apply it. (You may need to look for the .exe file step no.3 for the patch file)
  5. Done

Download Links Nitro Pro Enterprise v13.38.0.739 64 Bit ( Size 207 MB )

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